Case Studies


Industry Served

Food & Beverage

Solution Delivered

The Problem

Measured carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in the blast furnace area, exceeded acceptable concentrations. When the CO concentrations were above 125 ppm, workers were no longer permitted to work until the concentrations were reduced.

Key Solutions – Engineered by AVID

Workplace Emissions Reduction

Job Completed

Eastern Canada

An AVID Evaluation

Reduction of CO2 concentrations in the occupied spaces within the vicinity of a blast furnace to acceptable levels.

& Implementation

  • Design of localized collection system to entrain and remove CO at source. 
  • Design of a make-up air system to allow for and maximize effective source capture as well as fresh outside air dilution.


The success of the design and subsequent installation significantly reduced downtimes as a result of elevated CO concentrations.

The system was installed, and all design requirements were met.

Next Project

Cheese Producer

Optimized Temperature and Humidity for Peak Production

Industry Served

Food & Beverage

Key Solutions – Engineered by AVID
Utility Evaluation
Job Completed
South Dakota, USA